Monday, February 13, 2006

Lexington Candy Shop.
Rip Off

After about an hour of innocently wandering around the Upper East Side, I gained quite an appetite. When I spotted this cute little diner, my stomach growled, "go eat." So I did. When I sat down, I noticed three of my favorites on the wall and took it as a good sign. Bruce Springsteen, a god among men, was perched next to my left shoulder, looking hotter than ever in the late-eighties picture. Then I spotted Paul McCartney, not my favorite Beetle (George, since you asked), but obviously a true classic. Last but not least, there was Reba smiling down on me like a country angel. I know everyone is too cool to enjoy it, but Reba's show is funny. I swear it is (you'll never believe me, I don't know why I bother).
What I should have registered their smiles as, was: tourist trap. The guy took my question about the Mediterranean turkey burger to indicate that that was what I wanted and quickly threw the patty on the grill. Stuck with this as my order, I got some fries too and a SMALL coke. When I received the bill, my burger was over $8 and didn't even include fries! This is why I never ate at Fuddruckers. If I order a burger that costs more than $2 I want fries with it. Goddamn, is that too much to ask? The bill came out to over $15. I almost puked when I saw the bill. I turned to the guy, "this is ridiculous." He looked like he meant it when he apologized to me twice, but who knows.

Bruce, Reba and Paul betrayed me.
But hey, there'll be other restaurants, so in the words of The Boss, "and that's alright with me."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...Burgers and fries in the city can be pretty expensive...specially when you are broke. Don't let that keep you from worshiping pop-icons.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry I forgot to sign my name:

6:49 PM  

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